Sunday, June 28, 2009

First Blog.

Hey. Im not really sure on how to use this blog but ill try anyway. I have a boyfriend called Chris i stayed at his house last night all we did was eat chocolate eclairs and watched scary movies but chris has to be careful of what he ate because of his operation getting his appendix taken out i stayed with the whole week in the hospital looking after him because i was worried lol But now im just at home on the computer i dont really have many friends at the moment not ones that i can trust, so basically i dont have any real friends. I spend most of my time with chris he always makes me happy, my mum thinks that he spends too much money on me and that is true, but i cant stop him! He bought me a $1500 phone for my birthday and buys me credit all the time and he payed for me to go on holiday to melbourne! But my mum is going to give him some money for doing that! Going to melbourne is all im really thinking about just me and chris going to melbourne and skiiing for 7 days!

I Have never gone anywhere except sydney with dad that was ages ago! but im so excited dad thinks im a little too excited because he wants me to focus on the two weeks of school because i have been having a lot of days off but the last two weeks of school is nothing coz all we do is watch movies or go on excursions and i cant stand the three girls at school there names are jacinta, becky and chelsea but i have to put up with them. i will talk about them in my next blog.
cya x

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